Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Greg Leads Class To Marquam Park

Greg led our last class. He took us to Marquam Nature Park just off the PSU campus. We hiked silently for about an hour or so. Before we entered the park, Greg led us through some excerices that brought us into a greater appreciation and connection to our surroundings. He reminded us of how every breath we take is part of a cycle of life between people and trees. This was a beautiful experience for myself and for a group activity. Thank you Greg. These are some pictures that I took and a video of a Wooly Caterpillar at the bottom of the post.

1 comment:

Uncle Yeti said...

My pleasure!

How strange the way astrology sometimes manifests...Jupiter is currently conjunct my natal sun in Capricorn and this photo makes me look as fat as he!

Ha ha!