Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"Collective Practice"

I judged this magazine by it's cover(s) and it turned out to be super! Have a gander if you'd like, I thought I'd share seeing as this seemed pretty pertinent in our ever evolving understanding of the beast we call "SOCIAL PRACTICE"...

Oooh, click meh.

Friday, February 15, 2008

CLUI residency program

another residency program to look at.


This one is run by the Center For Land Use Interpretation (CLUI), who will be lecturing at PSU Monday Feb, 18th.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

les maladies des femmes

How can I be sick? Its no good. On a brighter note, I did work on the weekend, I produced a drawing for the WRC tshirt that they produce annually to sell at their events for fundraising. The request was for a depiction of PSU women-- with a multiplicty of ethnicites, body types, and activities. I wonder if my drawing will work for the ladies at the WRC-- if the drawing I produced might not be too "pretty" to conform to the standards of feminism, or if I am in fact "free to be me". Contrast and compare my drawing to the cover of a BITCH coloring book.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Open Engagement - Post Conference Catalog

Hello everyone,

I want to let you all know that the post-conference catalogue is now available for free download online:

Please feel free to circulate this.

There are also hard copies available, but due to budgetary limitations these can not be free. In order to cover the cost of printing, shipping and promotional copies a minimum donation of $10.00 CAD is requested.

I will be distributing copies of the catalogue to various artist run bookshops/centers. If you have any suggestions of where I should send some copies please let me know and I would be happy to send some out.

Also new to the conference website: photo galleries, conference archive, press and blog links.

All the best,

hey guys

remember when we were talking about an open equipment exchange thing?  well if anyone has a camcorder/video recording device of some kind that I could use on a tuesday morning, preferably a few tuesdays in a row, I'd really appreciate it.  it would be from roughly 9:30 or 10 am till noon.  
also, if anyone needs access to a digital camera, let me know!


ps: does anyone know about an oil drilling proposal around Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty?  my roommate told me they were going to drill really close to it and that it would essentially ruin the piece, but that's just what I heard.